Jack J. Lin

Multiplexing of Theta and Alpha Rhythms in the Amygdala-Hippocampal Circuit Supports Pattern Separation of Emotional Information


How do we remember emotional events? While emotion often leads to vivid recollection, the precision of emotional memories can be degraded, especially when discriminating among overlapping experiences in memory (i.e. pattern separation). Communication between the amygdala and the hippocampus has been proposed to support emotional memory but the exact neural mechanisms are not well understood. Here, we used intracranial depth electrode recordings in pre-surgical epilepsy patients to show that successful pattern separation of emotional stimuli is associated with theta band (3-7 Hz)-coordinated bidirectional interactions between the amygdala and the hippocampus. In contrast, we show that overgeneralization is associated with alpha band (7-13 Hz)-coordinated unidirectional influence from the amygdala to the hippocampus. These findings imply that alpha band synchrony may trigger overgeneralization of similar emotional events via amygdala-hippocampal directional coupling, which suggests a target for the treatment of psychiatric conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, where aversive memories are often overgeneralized.


  • Jie Zheng

  • Rebecca F. Stevenson

  • Bryce A. Mander

  • Lilit Mnatsakanyan

  • Frank P. K. Hsu

  • Sumeet Vadera

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Michael A. Yassa

  • Jack J. Lin

Date: 2018

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Dynamic frontotemporal systems process space and time in working memory


How do we rapidly process incoming streams of information in working memory, a cognitive mechanism central to human behavior? Dominant views of working memory focus on the prefrontal cortex (PFC), but human hippocampal recordings provide a neurophysiological signature distinct from the PFC. Are these regions independent, or do they interact in the service of working memory? We addressed this core issue in behavior by recording directly from frontotemporal sites in humans performing a visuospatial working memory task that operationalizes the types of identity and spatiotemporal information we encounter every day. Theta band oscillations drove bidirectional interactions between the PFC and medial temporal lobe (MTL; including the hippocampus). MTL theta oscillations directed the PFC preferentially during the processing of spatiotemporal information, while PFC theta oscillations directed the MTL for all types of information being processed in working memory. These findings reveal an MTL theta mechanism for processing space and time and a domain-general PFC theta mechanism, providing evidence that rapid, dynamic MTL–PFC interactions underlie working memory for everyday experiences.


  • Elizabeth L. Johnson

  • Jenna N. Adams

  • Anne-Kristin Solbakk

  • Tor Endestad

  • Pål G. Larsson

  • Jugoslav Ivanovic

  • Torstein R. Meling

  • Jack J. Lin

  • Robert T. Knight

Date: 2018

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2004274

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Human hippocampal pre-activation predicts behavior


The response to an upcoming salient event is accelerated when the event is expected given the preceding events – i.e. a temporal context effect. For example, naming a picture following a strongly constraining temporal context is faster than naming a picture after a weakly constraining temporal context. We used sentences as naturalistic stimuli to manipulate expectations on upcoming pictures without prior training. Here, using intracranial recordings from the human hippocampus we found more power in the high-frequency band prior to high-expected pictures than weakly expected ones. We applied pattern similarity analysis on the temporal pattern of hippocampal high-frequency band activity in single hippocampal contacts. We found that greater similarity in the pattern of hippocampal field potentials between pre-picture interval and expected picture interval in the high-frequency band predicted picture-naming latencies. Additional pattern similarity analysis indicated that the hippocampal representations follow a semantic map. The results suggest that hippocampal pre- activation of expected stimuli is a facilitating mechanism underlying the powerful contextual behavioral effect.


  • Robert T. Knight

  • Anna Jafarpour

  • Vitoria Piai

  • Jack J. Lin

Date: 2017

DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-06477-5

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Spatiotemporal dynamics of word retrieval in speech production revealed by cortical high-frequency band activity


Word retrieval is core to language production and relies on complementary processes: the rapid activation of lexical and conceptual representations and word selection, which chooses the correct word among semantically related competitors. Lexical and conceptual activation is measured by semantic priming. In contrast, word selection is indexed by semantic interference and is hampered in semantically homogeneous (HOM) contexts. We examined the spatiotemporal dynamics of these complementary processes in a picture naming task with blocks of semantically heterogeneous (HET) or HOM stimuli. We used electrocorticography data obtained from frontal and temporal cortices, permitting detailed spatiotemporal analysis of word retrieval processes. A semantic interference effect was observed with naming latencies longer in HOM versus HET blocks. Cortical response strength as indexed by high-frequency band (HFB) activity (70–150 Hz) amplitude revealed effects linked to lexical-semantic activation and word selection observed in widespread regions of the cortical mantle. Depending on the subsecond timing and cortical region, HFB indexed semantic interference (i.e., more activity in HOM than HET blocks) or semantic priming effects (i.e., more activity in HET than HOM blocks). These effects overlapped in time and space in the left posterior inferior temporal gyrus and the left prefrontal cortex. The data do not support a modular view of word retrieval in speech production but rather support substantial overlap of lexical-semantic activation and word selection mechanisms in the brain.


  • Stephanie Ries

  • Rhummit K. Dhillon

  • Alex Clarke

  • David King-Stephens

  • Kenneth Laxer

  • Peter Weber

  • Rachel A. Kuperman

  • Kurtis I. Auguste

  • Peter Brunner

  • Gerwin Schalk

  • Jack J. Lin

  • Josef Parvizi

  • Nathan E. Crone

  • Nina F. Dronkers

  • Robert T. Knight

Date: 2017

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1620669114

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Amygdala-hippocampal dynamics during salient information processing


Recognizing motivationally salient information is critical to guiding behaviour. The amygdala and hippocampus are thought to support this operation, but the circuit-level mechanism of this interaction is unclear. We used direct recordings in the amygdala and hippocampus from human epilepsy patients to examine oscillatory activity during processing of fearful faces compared with neutral landscapes. We report high gamma (70–180 Hz) activation for fearful faces with earlier stimulus evoked onset in the amygdala compared with the hippocampus. Attending to fearful faces compared with neutral landscape stimuli enhances low-frequency coupling between the amygdala and the hippocampus. The interaction between the amygdala and hippocampus is largely unidirectional, with theta/alpha oscillations in the amygdala modulating hippocampal gamma activity. Granger prediction, phase slope index and phase lag analysis corroborate this directional coupling. These results demonstrate that processing emotionally salient events in humans engages an amygdala-hippocampal network, with the amygdala influencing hippocampal dynamics during fear processing.


  • Robert T. Knight

  • Avgusta Shestyuk

  • Kristopher L. Anderson

  • Jie Zheng

  • Stephanie L. Leal

  • Gultekin Gulsen

  • Lilit Mnatsakanyan

  • Sumeet Vadera

  • Frank P.K. Hsu

  • Michael A. Yassa

  • Jack J. Lin

Date: 2017

DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14413

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Rapid tuning shifts in human auditory cortex enhance speech intelligibility


Experience shapes our perception of the world on a moment-to-moment basis. This robust perceptual effect of experience parallels a change in the neural representation of stimulus features, though the nature of this representation and its plasticity are not well-understood. Spectrotemporal receptive field (STRF) mapping describes the neural response to acoustic features, and has been used to study contextual effects on auditory receptive fields in animal models. We performed a STRF plasticity analysis on electrophysiological data from recordings obtained directly from the human auditory cortex. Here, we report rapid, automatic plasticity of the spectrotemporal response of recorded neural ensembles, driven by previous experience with acoustic and linguistic information, and with a neurophysiological effect in the sub-second range. This plasticity reflects increased sensitivity to spectrotemporal features, enhancing the extraction of more speech-like features from a degraded stimulus and providing the physiological basis for the observed ‘perceptual enhancement’ in understanding speech.


  • Chris Holdgraf

  • Wendy de Heer

  • Brian Pasley

  • Jochem W. Rieger

  • Nathan E. Crone

  • Jack J. Lin

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Frédéric E. Theunissen

Date: 2016

DOI: 10.1038/ncomms13654

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Differential Sources for 2 Neural Signatures of Target Detection: An Electrocorticography Study


Electrophysiology and neuroimaging provide conflicting evidence for the neural contributions to target detection. Scalp electroencephalography (EEG) studies localize the P3b event-related potential component mainly to parietal cortex, whereas neuroimaging studies report activations in both frontal and parietal cortices. We addressed this discrepancy by examining the sources that generate the target-detection process using electrocorticography (ECoG). We recorded ECoG activity from cortex in 14 patients undergoing epilepsy monitoring, as they performed an auditory or visual target-detection task. We examined target-related responses in 2 domains: high frequency band (HFB) activity and the P3b. Across tasks, we observed a greater proportion of electrodes that showed target-specific HFB power relative to P3b over frontal cortex, but their proportions over parietal cortex were comparable. Notably, there was minimal overlap in the electrodes that showed target-specific HFB and P3b activity. These results revealed that the target-detection process is characterized by at least 2 different neural markers with distinct cortical distributions. Our findings suggest that separate neural mechanisms are driving the differential patterns of activity observed in scalp EEG and neuroimaging studies, with the P3b reflecting EEG findings and HFB activity reflecting neuroimaging findings, highlighting the notion that target detection is not a unitary phenomenon.


  • Julia W. Y. Kam

  • Sara Szczepanski

  • Ryan T. Canolty

  • Adeen Flinker

  • Kurtis I. Auguste

  • Nathan E. Crone

  • Heidi E. Kirsch

  • Rachel A. Kuperman

  • Jack J. Lin

  • Josef Parvizi

  • Robert T. Knight

Date: 2016

DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhw343

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Direct brain recordings reveal hippocampal rhythm underpinnings of language processing


Language is classically thought to be supported by perisylvian cortical regions. Here we provide intracranial evidence linking the hippocampal complex to linguistic processing. We used direct recordings from the hippocampal structures to investigate whether theta oscillations, pivotal in memory function, track the amount of contextual linguistic information provided in sentences. Twelve participants heard sentences that were either constrained (“She locked the door with the”) or unconstrained (“She walked in here with the”) before presentation of the final word (“key”), shown as a picture that participants had to name. Hippocampal theta power increased for constrained relative to unconstrained contexts during sentence processing, preceding picture presentation. Our study implicates hippocampal theta oscillations in a language task using natural language associations that do not require memorization. These findings reveal that the hippocampal complex contributes to language in an active fashion, relating incoming words to stored semantic knowledge, a necessary process in the generation of sentence meaning.


  • Vitoria Piai

  • Kristopher L. Anderson

  • Jack J. Lin

  • Callum Dewar

  • Josef Parvizi

  • Nina F. Dronkers

  • Robert T. Knight

Date: 2016

DOI: www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1603312113

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