Will D. Penny

Working memory replay prioritizes weakly attended events


One view of working memory posits that maintaining a series of events requires their sequential and equal mnemonic replay. Another view is that the content of working memory maintenance is prioritized by attention. We decoded the dynamics for retaining a sequence of items using magnetoencephalography, wherein participants encoded sequences of three stimuli depicting a face, a manufactured object, or a natural item and maintained them in working memory for 5000 ms. Memory for sequence position and stimulus details were probed at the end of the maintenance period. Decoding of brain activity revealed that one of the three stimuli dominated maintenance independent of its sequence position or category; and memory was enhanced for the selectively replayed stimulus. Analysis of event-related responses during the encoding of the sequence showed that the selectively replayed stimuli were determined by the degree of attention at encoding. The selectively replayed stimuli had the weakest initial encoding indexed by weaker visual attention signals at encoding. These findings do not rule out sequential mnemonic replay but reveal that attention influences the content of working memory maintenance by prioritizing replay of weakly encoded events. We propose that the prioritization of weakly encoded stimuli protects them from interference during the maintenance period, whereas the more strongly encoded stimuli can be retrieved from long-term memory at the end of the delay period.


  • Anna Jafarpour

  • Will D. Penny

  • Gareth Barnes

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Emrah Duzel

Date: 2017

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1523/ENEURO.0171-17.2017

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A dynamical pattern recognition model of gamma activity in auditory cortex


  • Melissa Zavaglia

  • Ryan T. Canolty

  • Thomas M. Schofield

  • Alexander P. Leff

  • Mauro Ursino

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Will D. Penny

Date: 2012

DOI: 10.1016/j.neunet.2011.12.007

PubMed: 22327049

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This paper describes a dynamical process which serves both as a model of temporal pattern recognition in the brain and as a forward model of neuroimaging data. This process is considered at two separate levels of analysis: the algorithmic and implementation levels. At an algorithmic level, recognition is based on the use of Occurrence Time features. Using a speech digit database we show that for noisy recognition environments, these features rival standard cepstral coefficient features. At an implementation level, the model is defined using a Weakly Coupled Oscillator (WCO) framework and uses a transient synchronization mechanism to signal a recognition event. In a second set of experiments, we use the strength of the synchronization event to predict the high gamma (75-150 Hz) activity produced by the brain in response to word versus non-word stimuli. Quantitative model fits allow us to make inferences about parameters governing pattern recognition dynamics in the brain.